Girls in Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee 

Inserate Flair Bordell Berlin Roelckestrasse 151 13086 Berlin
Flair Bordell Berlin Telefon
Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Lisa


Email an Lisa


51 years, 164 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Lola


Email an Lola


28 years, 166 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Isabell


Email an Isabell


24 years, 167 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Sandy


E-Mail an Sandy


38 years, 166 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Jobs
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Here could be

your sedcard

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Laura


Email an Laura


39 years, 160 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Celine


Email an Celine


47 years, 172 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Ella


Email an Ella


20 years, 164 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee Mira


Email an Mira


35 years, 165 cm

Flair Brothel Berlin Weissensee GiaNina


Email an GiaNina


37 years, 177 cm

Here you will find advertisements from self-employed sex workers who have commissioned us to publish their advertisements here. The business initiation takes place exclusively through the advertisers. The room rental Flair Bordell Berlin in Weißensee itself does not accept any orders and does not arrange any appointments. Please contact the respective advertiser under the contact details provided by her. 

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay extra for the showers?

No. Hygiene is very important to us. So if you want to freshen up or shower before or / and after, it costs nothing extra and is not deducted from the time. You only pay for the time you actually spend with one of the Flair Elves.

Do I remain anonymous at the brothel?

You will be welcomed by us in a normal apartment building in Weissensee. So you can ring the bell normally and you will stay anonymous.

Are there enough parking spaces?

Yes, there are several options. You can either park directly in Roelckestrasse. If, contrary to expectations, you can't find a parking space there, there is a supermarket with a large parking lot directly opposite on Pistoriusstrasse. Walking distance is about 1 minute.

How do I know, who is there and when?

At the Menu Schedule you will find, who is when at Flair. You will find on our site extensive possibilities to contact individual ladies. You can reach them by phone or by email. Each lady has her own email address and answers the emails personally. However, this can not always happen on the same day, because not every model is here every day.

Is sex without Condom possible?

No, that has always been an absolute no-go for us. It's about our health and of course also about yours. Apart from that, it is also prohibited by law since 01.07.2017. We are very happy about this regulation and join the legislator. Sex without protection has no place in a brothel.

Are all Flair elves in Berlin registered?

Of course, we are all registered in accordance with the legislation in force and carry out our activity independently and completely self-determined. We like to play the whole score of sexual variants... But we set the rules. :)

If you have any questions, please send an email to this address: faq(at) or ask them in the form below.

*I have taken note of the explanations on data protection. I agree that my information and data are collected and stored electronically to answer my request. Note: You can revoke your consent at any time for the future by e-mail.

Please check the correct spelling of your e-mail address, otherwise we will not be able to reply to you.

© 2025 Flair Bordell Berlin

Roelckestrasse 151

13086 Berlin Weißensee 

Tel.: 030/92045241


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